Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 00:32:02 CDT
Hi everyone.. I just noticed some messages in my register_error.log that I meant to ask you all about long ago..
The error goes something like this:
(username)[20030827 00:32:18]: Authentication Failed
<br>The E-Mail server replied:
<br>POP3 command STAT may be given only in the 'TRANSACTION' state (current state is 'AUTHORIZATION').
This error doesn't seem to stop a lot of people from registering, but those who are affected seem to ALWAYS be affected..
In the authenticate subroutine, we do:
$pop=new Mail::POP3Client("$FORM{'user'}","$FORM{'pass'}","$POPSERVER");
so I have to ask: Does anyone know why this message happens? Would it be better to use another method from the POP3Client?
I will probably wind up manually registering these people when they call the helpdesk, so I would greatly appreciate any help in figuring out what causes these errors to happen for some people..
-Thanks everyone
=Nathan Lloyd
=Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
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